Moab, UT Rendezvous
7th - 11th September 2021
Moab, Utah
If Adventure riding and Dual sport riding is your flavor, then the Moab Rendezvous will appeal to you. There are all kinds of terrain around the Moab area with some of it testing your riding skills. Yes, riding friends, we are putting on the 2nd Moab Rendezvous to be held in the most logical and friendly to OHV environments known to our community in support of Ride with Respect.
No matter the skill level there will be rides lead for all on various size Dual Sport and Adventure bikes.
Their will be lead rides of local trails. In fact we will be encouraging you to participate in the rides. We also encourage you to bring out your small bike and your large bike to enjoy both the single track trails like or the bigger bike routes.
Betting on competitions online has become available - use the app for android function and install the application on your smartphone.
7th - 11th September 2021
Moab, Utah
If Adventure riding and Dual sport riding is your flavor, then the Moab Rendezvous will appeal to you. There are all kinds of terrain around the Moab area with some of it testing your riding skills. Yes, riding friends, we are putting on the 2nd Moab Rendezvous to be held in the most logical and friendly to OHV environments known to our community in support of Ride with Respect.
No matter the skill level there will be rides lead for all on various size Dual Sport and Adventure bikes.
Their will be lead rides of local trails. In fact we will be encouraging you to participate in the rides. We also encourage you to bring out your small bike and your large bike to enjoy both the single track trails like or the bigger bike routes.
Betting on competitions online has become available - use the app for android function and install the application on your smartphone.